If something like drinking, which can lead to death, is only going to bring probation or a warning, then a drug like marijuana should be punished with the same or less severity. College's and the government need to get their perspective in order and start focusing on more critical matters then punishing people for using marijuana, while people are murdering or stealing.
College is a time to experiment, and marijuana is included in this. College's are taking smoking marijuana to the extreme, by threatening expulsion. While drinking underage will bring upon light punishment like a warning or probation. This is not fair since college's are only doing this because marijuana is illegal while drinking is not. College being described as a time of freedom and experimentation is a hoax, if the college system and the government are ruining kids lives over a drug that has really no life or death effects on you. College's could do so much better then focusing a lot of their time on matters like these.
If the excessive profits for marijuana sales were ended through legalization of marijuana dispensaries there would be less incentive for teens to sell it to one another. Teenage use of alcohol and tobacco remain serious public health problems even though those drugs are legal for adults, however, the availability of alcohol and tobacco is not made even more widespread by providing kids with economic incentives to sell either one to their friends.