Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How it helps the government

Besides the increase in money that are flowing into the government, it would also decrease crime in our country since the drug that is causing a lot of the crime is now legal. Therefore the government wouldn't have to focus any of their time on this subject.

By legalizing marijuana the government could generate a lot of money that could help our county's economy. We are currently in a deficit of over one trillion dollars, and if the government was smart it would tax anything that could generate money to help this increasing problem. This would generate a lot of money for the government because about 100 million people in the United States smoke marijuana. That is about a third of the population of the United States. By taxing a substance that so many people use, the government could receive billions of dollars a year, and slowly decrease our deficit. Each year the government would save 14 billion dollars from enforcing the prohibition laws of marijuana, and would take in billions of dollars from the sale and taxation of marijuana.

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