Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Union: Business Behind Getting High

According to this film the drug dealers don't want it to be legalized. This reason is because the government would then tax marijuana and this will take away the drug dealers profit from the selling of marijuana. These drug dealers make a lot of money with very little effort. If the government makes it legal and taxes marijuana, these dealers would lose a lot of money. The dealers of this illegal business of marijuana are making more money being illegal than if it was legal. The government would be smart if they made marijuana legal, it might be able to bring in enough revenue to decrease our national debt.
The Union, is a documentary that interviews presidents, dealers of marijuana, influential people and many scientist. If you watch this film, you discover many interesting facts about marijuana that you may have not known before. One thing that i found out is that, many presidents that have been in office, like George W. Bush have smoked weed, and yet they still have spoken against it! If someone like a previous president of the United States has smoked weed then why is it still illegal, this baffles me.

By watching this documentary i have discovered something very interesting that is the smoking marijuana is worse then drinking alcohol or smoking cigarette's. This is a lie that the government told the whole country. We all have been told that 1 joint is equal to 10 cigarette's, but in realiety smoking a joint is better for you then smoking a cigarette. Smoking cigarette's will eventually lead to lung cancer, but if you smoke a joint the chance of lung cancer is slim to none unless you smoke both. Drinking and driving is bad, this is true. If you drink and drive you have a high chance of getting in a car crash, but if you smoke and drive the chance of very slim that you are going to get into a crash.

I have learned a tremendous amount the dealings of marijuana in our community by watching this movie, i urge everyone interested in legalizing marijuana to watch the movie. By watching the movie you will be able to understand why it should be legal and other substances in our country should not be.

Decrease the People in Jail

Everyone knows now a days that the jails are over populated with criminals. What a lot of people don't know is that a lot of those criminals are in there for smoking, selling or having possessiong of marijuana. By using logic you can figure out that these "criminals" will meet actual criminals and might get involved with real crimes like robbery or murder. If the government makes marijuana legal, the jails will not be over crowded. Also it might stop these criminals that sell marijuana from getting involved in anything worse then that.
The time that you can go to jail for varies in each state, you will receive a fine no matter what and depending on the amount of weed you have you could go to jail for a year. That year away from school and your family would destroy a lot of people at a young age. It is very difficult to come back and get a good job with having gone to jail for a year no matter what the circumstance. Now if marijuana is legalized more people in the United States would have the opportunity to get better jobs then flipping burgers at Mcdonald's or working the drive through at KFC.

I believe if the United States government legalizes marijuana it will help all of America with jobs and will make the people that work at jails have a easier job. This is because the jails will have less people, therefore will be easier to handle. The government needs to priorterize what they believe. With all of the United States and the world trying marijuana, why is it still illegal here. We are the country of freedom, therefore if everyone is already using their freedom to use it even with the penalty of going to jail, it would be better to be made legal than send young men to jail.